- Enseignant: Najoua Mhamdi
Résultats de la recherche: 15

La biologie moléculaire est la compréhension des mécanismes de la cellule au niveau moléculaire. C’est l’étude des molécules porteuses du message héréditaire (ADN, ARN), de leur structure, leur synthèse, leur altération et du contrôle de l’expression des gènes.
- Enseignant: Yosra Ben Henda
- Enseignant: Cherni Yamen

This course explores the fundamental principles of a healthy lifestyle, focusing on balanced nutrition, physical activity, mental well-being, and preventive health care. Students will learn about healthy and unhealthy foods, the importance of hydration, effective stress management techniques, and strategies for maintaining a well-rounded daily routine. Through interactive lessons, discussions, and practical activities, learners will develop essential skills to make informed health choices and adopt sustainable healthy habits
- Enseignant: Oumayma Ajroud

Mathématiques en VIDEOLEARNING pour étudiants : Cours et Activités
- Enseignant: hanene hattab
- Enseignant: Safouen Rezgui
- Enseignant: Safouen Rezgui

Reading for Secondary Students is a comprehensive course aimed at enhancing English language proficiency through a structured progression of reading skills. It begins with foundational skills such as developing comprehension skills, including literal comprehension—identifying main ideas, details, and answering basic questions—and inferential comprehension, where students learn to make predictions, draw conclusions, and interpret text clues. Reading aloud is emphasized to improve fluency, pace, and expression, while prosody helps students grasp rhythm and intonation, fostering more engaging and confident reading habits. In the advanced section, students are encouraged to think critically by evaluating texts, analyzing an author’s purpose, and distinguishing between facts and opinions. Annotation techniques are introduced to enhance note-taking and information retention, and students are guided to make connections between texts, their personal experiences, and broader world contexts. Additionally, they practice summarizing and synthesizing ideas from multiple sources, promoting a deeper and more integrated understanding of reading materials. This module offers a well-rounded approach, preparing students not only for academic success but also for practical application of their English reading skills in diverse contexts. It aligns with the objectives of secondary education, fostering both literacy and critical thinking.
- Enseignant: bassem rahmouni

In this course, you will learn about important intermediate verb tenses, including present perfect and present
perfect progressive.This course is designed for learners who have a basic understanding of English grammar but who want to learn more and improve their skills for everyday speaking or writing, as well as for academics.
- Enseignant: yosra khanfir

This is a start!
This course is designed to boost the learners' competence related to ESP for the trainees of Ezzouhour Professional Training Centers.
- Teacher: Gamra Semia

In this course, you will learn about tenses in English and how to effectively use them to express yourself. the basic uses a
- Enseignant: Hamdi Nsir

La technologie éducative désigne l’utilisation des outils numériques, des plateformes en ligne, des logiciels et des technologies innovantes pour enrichir l’enseignement et l’apprentissage. Elle vise à rendre l’éducation plus interactive, accessible et personnalisée selon les besoins des apprenants. Les ressources numériques, comme les vidéos, simulations interactives et plateformes éducatives telles que Moodle ou Google Classroom, jouent un rôle clé. L’apprentissage en ligne, ou e-learning, permet un accès flexible aux cours à distance, tandis que les systèmes basés sur l’intelligence artificielle (IA) personnalisent les parcours éducatifs en fonction des niveaux et des progrès individuels. Les outils collaboratifs, tels que Zoom ou Microsoft Teams, facilitent les échanges en temps réel, et des technologies émergentes comme la réalité virtuelle (VR) ou les jeux sérieux offrent des expériences immersives et engageantes. Parmi les principaux avantages, on note une meilleure accessibilité, une interactivité accrue, et l’autonomie des apprenants qui peuvent avancer à leur rythme. Cependant, des défis persistent, notamment la fracture numérique, le besoin de former les enseignants à l’usage des outils numériques et le risque de dépendance technologique. Bien que ces obstacles existent, la technologie éducative continue de transformer l’éducation en ouvrant de nouvelles perspectives pour un apprentissage plus efficace et inclusif.
- Enseignant: mariem gabsi

Learning a new language requires you to pull together a variety of concepts and topics. By connecting your language skills, you are better able to explain yourself and write about your ideas. This course presents Standard American English grammar, vocabulary, and reading skills that work together to culminate in a complete essay.
- Enseignant: Cherni Yamen